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Acknowledging and Addressing Upwards Bullying (Note time is AEST)

NPSN EAG Member Dr Sara Branch

Dr Sara Branch is a leading researcher into workplace bullying. Her groundbreaking research into upwards bullying found that one in three managers experience bullying from staff, but thought to be greater again due to lack of managers’ awareness or preparedness to acknowledge.

This session will highlight the trends and patterns of upwards bullying including the use of language in upwards bullying, the mis-use of the term Bully as a weapon against people, and the difference between victim and target.

Sara says ‘Words matter’. In addressing upwards bullying, the session will highlight the importance of co-creating a language to ‘talk about how we talk to each other’ to respectfully reset unsafe behaviours.

Book the Webinar HERE

30 July

Matrix of Needs - Building Safe Organisations (Note time is AEST)

26 September

Increasing Psychological Safety in a Culturally Diverse Workplace (Note time is AEST)