Join our Professional Community dedicated to Psychosocial and Psychological Safety

In Australian workplaces, the spotlight on psychosocial safety has never been sharper.  As leaders and professionals committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of people and teams at work, we find ourselves in a period of remarkable growth, challenge and transformation.  

This presents us with both opportunities to enhance the lives of those we support, as well as complexities as we navigate legislation, evolving market dynamics, and the diverse array of psychosocial perspectives and approaches.   

That kind of challenge takes a village.

The National Psychosocial Safety Network is a professional community of leaders, managers, practitioners, and advocates committed to psychosocial and psychological safety in workplaces and communities.  

Welcome to your village.

 Join us for:

  • Community: Connect with a diverse community who share your interest and passion for promoting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. 

  • Resources: Gain access to a wide range of expert-led sessions, best-practice showcases, practical tools and insights to support your professional journey. 

  • Expertise: Tap into the collective wisdom of research and practice specialists and thought-leaders at the forefront of psychosocial safety, psychological safety, work wellbeing and organisational development nationally and globally. 

  • Peer Dialogue: Engage in meaningful discussions and exchange ideas with a vibrant community of peers who share your interest and commitment to creating safe and supportive work environments. 

  • Navigation: Navigate the complexities of legislative requirements, market pressures, and diverse perspectives with confidence, armed with the latest insights and best practices. 

  • Impact: Be part of a brand and movement that is making a difference in creating healthier and happier workplaces for everyone.  

Membership Options

  • Individual Membership

    Individual Membership

    Be part of our community and access a wealth of resources.

    Connect with like-minded professionals and stay updated on the latest developments in psychosocial safety.

    Gain access to premium content curated by experts in the field, participate in specialised workshops, and receive personalised support from our team. 

  • Team Membership

    Do you have colleagues who would also love to be part of our Community of Practice?

    Share, apply and maximise professional knowledge by taking a group membership option with team members or colleagues.

    Joining in numbers offers member price savings and extends the benefits of membership to your business. 

  • Corporate Membership

    Signing your organisation as a Corporate Member allows unlimited access to Network content and resources to all of your organisation’s leaders, managers and supervisors.

    Corporate membership provides increased planning support.

Unlock the Power of Membership with NPSN 

At the National Psychosocial Safety Network (NPSN), we believe in empowering our members with exclusive access to a wealth of resources, expertise, and opportunities designed to elevate their psychosocial safety leadership practice. 

 Membership Benefits: 

  • Free Access to all NPSN Expert Led Webinars: The NPSN runs monthly webinars that you receive access to at no-charge. Valued at $4680 (Non-member price $390+GST per event). You can see the upcoming sessions HERE

  • Exclusive Participation in NPSN Community of Practice: Dive deep into the field of psychosocial safety with exclusive access to our Community of Practice sessions

  • Exclusive access to 'How We Are Doing It' Industry Showcases: presented by NPSN Corporate Members. 

  • Personal Network Advisor: Enjoy the guidance and support of a dedicated Network Advisor who will serve as your connected guide and planning coach, helping you navigate the complexities of psychosocial safety initiatives. 

  • Demonstration Products from Partners: Gain access to demonstration products from our trusted partners, providing you with valuable insights into cutting-edge solutions and innovations in the field. 

  • Exclusive NPSN Member Branding: Showcase your commitment to psychosocial safety excellence with exclusive National Psychosocial Safety Network Member branding, demonstrating your affiliation with a community of leaders dedicated to fostering cultures of respect, support, inclusion, and belonging. 

Membership Outcomes

☑️ Help safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of your people

☑️ Drive a capability uplift that generates a sustained way of working positively

☑️ Reduce risk and impact of industrial and bullying related criticisms, complaints and costs

☑️ Improve attraction and retention strategies

☑️ Improve team relationships and collaboration

☑️ Elevate rates of employee satisfaction

☑️ Increase productivity and team performance

☑️ Decrease rates of costly staff conflict, absenteeism and turnover

☑️ Strengthen staff decision-making and faster problem-solving

☑️ Increase confidence and creativity in individuals and team

Membership Benefits

☑️ Comprehensive support to help you plan and achieve your psychosocial safety goals

☑️ Assurance that your psychosocial safety strategy is informed by best-practice

☑️ Branded recognition as a National Psychosocial Safety Network Member

☑️ Access to the latest information and insights to stay current on best-practice models and approaches

☑️ Ready access to advice, guidance and support from psychosocial safety and psychological safety leaders and knowledge experts across every leadership discipline

☑️ A demonstrable means of showing how you are providing psychosocial safety leadership and knowledge

☑️ Visible and tangible statement of WHS commitment to employees

Want more information? 

Get in touch HERE if you are not quite ready to join and would like to talk to someone to understand more. 

Note that your membership may be tax deductible. The deductibility of the expense will vary between members and will depend on your own circumstances. we recommend that you get advice relating to your individual situation.