Dr Rob McCartney
Rob McCartney is the Chief Medical Officer of the National Psychosocial Safety Network.
He is an Occupational Medicine field leader with extensive experience in the prevention, diagnosis and management of occupational injury and illness. He is a strong advocate of best-practice prevention using approaches that combine physical and psychological health. Rob is:
Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine with the Royal Australian College of Physicians
Past president of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine.
Designated Aviation Medical Examiner with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Certified Medical Review Officer with the Australasian Medical Review Officers Association and the Medical Review Officer Certification Council
Nominated Medical Advisor to the Queensland Coal Mine Worker’s Health Scheme
Clinical consultant for Workcover Queensland
CEO of Occupational Health and Safety specialist Resile
Chief Medical Officer to:
Rail Industry
Yarra Trams
HealthyLife Pharmacy
Sonic Health Plus
Kinetic Health